UCCLA - Free airfare
for KGB man in Canada
– Still concerned about the presence in Canada of a bogus refugee
claimant, and former Captain of the Soviet secret police (KGB),
Mikhail Lennikov, the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association
is offering him a Christmas gift -- a one-way economy airfare from
Vancouver to his home town of Vladivostok in the Russian Federation.
Lennikov was ordered deported by a federal court judge,more than four
years ago, but remains in Canada, claiming a non-existant “right of
sanctuary” in a Lutheran church basement in Vancouver. Meanwhile,
the Canada Border Services Agency is failing to do its duty, which is
to remove him.
Commenting on the offer, UCCLA’s chairman, R.W. Zakaluzny, said: “We don’t want KGB men in Canada. We don’t understand why the CBSA has failed to do what it was ordered to do, more than four years ago. There is no right of sanctuary. This man had no right to enter Canada. He has no right to be here. He is not a refugee. He was told so by the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. He has shown no remorse for having been an agent of Soviet repression. There are hundreds of thousands of genuine refugees whom this country could be helping so why would we want to let him stay? UCCLA will pay for him to leave. He can be back in his home country and catch the Sochi Games.”