Joint Annual Meeting of UNF and UWO Toronto

By Iris Sopinka

The Ukrainian Women’s Organization and the Ukrainian National Federation, Toronto Branch, held their joint annual meeting on  February 28, in an upbeat atmosphere with 112 people attending. The dynamic and hard-working Slawko Borys, UNF Toronto Branch President for the last two years, opened the meeting with a prayer and a moment of silence for deceased members. He welcomed the new members to the fold and it was a pleasure to see many of them taking part in discussions and demonstrating an interest in the future of the organization. After the election of the presidium for the annual meeting, the chairman, Daria Diakowska called upon Julie Bahrych-Korol of the Verification Committee in whose report confirmed that there was a quorum of members present and that the annual meeting was in force.  President Slawko Borys reported on his activities for the last two years both in fluent Ukrainian and English, using an impressive power point presentation. The highlights of activities for the last two years are the following: Thursday evenings at the Trident Caf for sports nights, the 50th anniversary of UNF Camp “Sokil” weekend celebration in Hawkestone (ON), a parade float in the Toronto Ukrainian Festival in Bloor West Village and the New Year’s Eve in Tuscany event at the UNF Trident Hall.

There has been a rebirth of some branch activities. The Kalyna Performing Arts Company, a signatory mark of the UNF, has 18 members at present. The UNF Library and Resource Centre, the jewel of our branch organization, has a part-time librarian on staff, and has staged four very successful book launches. The UNF Shotokan Karate-Do Academy remains an activity of high interest for youth and younger members. 

Stacey Seussmeuth, Branch President of UWO reported at length on the accomplishments of the women’s organization.  As a result of Mrs. Seussmeuth’s exuberant personality and infectious zeal for organizing, membership has gone up to 141 women. Under her leadership, four movie nights, a very successful Fall Fashion Show, a Shevchenko concert and six other major events took place.  She very graciously thanked all the women for their efforts and support.

Finally, Bernice Mokrij, UNF Treasurer spoke about the state of finances for the branch organization and assured members that the mortgage has decreased and that all accounts are in order. Irene Boddy, treasurer of UWO reported accurately on how much revenue each event brought in and how much of it was profit. The new UNF Toronto Branch Executive was presented and in a vote accepted by the membership for the following two years: President - Slawko Borys; Vice President - Greg Adamowich; Secretary - Bob Medycky; and Treasurer - Bernice Mokrij. For the UWO Toronto Branch, members elected the following executive: President – Lidia Lelyk; Vice President – Genya Hunchak; Secretary – Nadia Ostapchuk; and Treasurer – Irene Boddy.

After a lively discussion about the trailer park at Camp “Sokil”, the meeting adjourned and took another upbeat turn, with attention now turned to centre stage and a lively dance performance by members, including the youngest, of The Kalyna Performing Arts Company. Light refreshments   followed the formal meeting and program, which nurtured and encouraged socializing. Now highly energized, the room was primed and ready for enthusiastic members to watch together the exciting Olympic Final Hockey Game – between Canada and the USA both vying for the Olympic Gold Medal, and won by Team Canada in overtime by Sydney Crosby’s golden goal.