Hryts and Civilization

By Volodymyr Kish

Last summer, following the World Forum of Ukrainians in Kyiv, I had the opportunity to pay a brief visit to my cousin Hryts in Pidkamin.  It had been a few years since we last engaged in dialogue in person under the gnarled walnut tree in his backyard, and I had sorely missed his personal presence in my life. He is one of those rare individuals whose existence on this Earth invariably inspires hope that Mankind is not a lost cause, despite what we may read in the news or experience in our daily lives.  His influence and reputation has become legendary, at least in Pidkamin. People claim that even eating the prize garlic and horseradish that he grows in his backyard makes them feel immediately smarter!

In any case, on a mellow evening last August, we sat under the aforementioned walnut tree and sipped some fine Crimean Muscat wine while catching up on our personal lives as well as dissecting the latest follies of Mankind.

“I sometimes wonder,” I mused at one point, “whether there truly is intelligent life on this Earth?”

“But of course there is!” he interjected. “Unfortunately, our human race is doing all it can to make it extinct.”

I chuckled in agreement before continuing.

“I know what you mean.  I guess it’s more an expression of doubt as to whether we as a civilization have really progressed all that much over the thousands of years since homo sapiens first emerged from the caves and asserted dominion over this Earth!”

He thought it over for a bit before answering.

“I can see why you may have doubts,” he replied.  “After all, looking at President Yanukovych and his band of Regions thieves might lead one to believe that Neanderthals may not indeed have died out as a species. Nonetheless, there are at least four persuasive arguments to be made that significant progress has been made, particularly over the past couple of centuries, five if we include the excellent quality of this Muscat!”

“I am all ears!” I exclaimed, as I had another sip of Crimea’s finest.

“First of all,” he began, “I think most people now accept as fact the reality that, aside from medically based disabilities, we are all born more or less equal in terms of intelligence and capability, and that there are no naturally “superior” races, ethnic groups or classes that deserve to be treated differently.  I know that there are some folks such as hereditary aristocrats, Fascists, Communists, some Russians, and far right-wing American Republicans that might think differently, but they are sorely deluded.”

“Secondly, aside from certain fanatic Muslims and certain Christian fundamentalists, most people have accepted that women are just as intelligent and capable as men, and should in all respects have the same rights and opportunities as men. To tell you the truth, in the case of Ukrainians, I frankly think our women are in many ways superior to our men!”

“Thirdly,” he continued, “I think that our societies increasingly have come to accept that we have a moral responsibility to insure that everyone deserves a reasonable quality of life insofar as getting education, health care, justice, food, water, shelter and a fair opportunity to earn a living.  Despite a recent regrettable, though I am sure temporary shift towards economic and political Darwinism in some developed countries, I am sure common sense will prevail, and we will resume our progress towards free and just civil societies throughout the world where human rights and political power are not based just on how much wealth you possess.”

“Lastly, despite the best efforts of political and religious fanatics to impose their particular version of the “truth” on the credulous masses, the increasing levels of literacy and education throughout the world, coupled with revolutionary advances in communication and media access, have made free thought and free speech a reality in most of our world.  Whether it be the crude propaganda of our Yanukovych in Ukraine, the shrewd media control and manipulation of Putin in Russia, the hate-inciting ravings of vengeful mullahs in the Middle East, or the hypocritical mud-slinging of American politicians, they can no longer indulge in manipulating the truth without being confronted by facts and a more sceptical and educated public.”

“That makes a lot of sense Hrytsiu,” I commented, “But what about all the harm our progress and civilization is doing to the climate and to our environment.  There are many scientists who claim that we are well on the way to self-destruction!”

“Aha!” he exclaimed loudly, “You are smarter than you look my young turnip! That is a point worthy of further discussion; but first, pour me some more of that delightful Muscat.”