New Kobzar Fellows Irena Bell and Boris Gengalo Recognized in Ottawa

1 - Newly inducted Kobzar Fellows Boris Gengalo (L) and Irena Bell (R) with Andrew HladyshevskyThe Ukrainian Canadian Foundation of Taras Shevchenko hosted the Kobzar Fellowship Reception in Ottawa, held at the National Arts Centre on Sunday, March 4, 2012.

Fifty invited guests participated in this afternoon of fellowship and celebration of our Ukrainian-Canadian culture and heritage, highlighted with the melodic voices of Ottawa’s own AKORD Ukrainian Men’s Choir. Ottawa CHIN Radio Host Irena Bell emceed the programme beginning with an introduction of the Shevchenko Foundation’s history and an overview of the important work the Foundation does in our community.  Shevchenko Foundation President Andrew Hladyshevsky, Q.C. moved those in attendance with his heartfelt speech about our immigrant ancestors who worked faithfully and tirelessly to preserve their culture and heritage in their new country, and their vision almost 50 years ago when the Foundation was first formed.

2 - AKORD Ukrainian Men’s Choir members presenting koliada cheque to Shevchenko Foundation President Andrew HladyshevskyFollowing their performance, the AKORD male choristers presented the Foundation’s President Andrew Hladyshevsky with a cheque for $1,515 from the proceeds of their annual Koliada - a gesture that has become a tradition for the choir as a way of giving back to the community which has supported them for many years and continues to do so through grants from the Shevchenko Foundation.

The highlight of the afternoon’s programme was the induction of Irena Bell and Boris Gengalo, to the Kobzar Fellowship Circle.  Irena and Boris are active members of the Ukrainian Canadian community in Ottawa, and both believe deeply in the mission and vision of the Shevchenko Foundation.  As new Fellows, they were congratulated and presented a special Shevchenko Foundation pin which is awarded to those who have made the commitment to include the Shevchenko Foundation in their estate plans.

The informal part of the afternoon continued with those present sharing in conversation and enjoying the lovely hors d’oeuvres and beverages served by the National Arts Centre staff. Chrystyna Chudczak captured much of the afternoon on camera, photos of which you can find on our website:

Those interested in learning more about becoming Kobzar Fellows are encouraged to contact the Shevchenko Foundation Office at 1-866-524-5314 or e-mail


– Photos by Chrystyna Chudczak




1 - Newly inducted Kobzar Fellows Boris Gengalo (L) and Irena Bell (R) with Andrew Hladyshevsky

2 - AKORD Ukrainian Men’s Choir members presenting koliada cheque to Shevchenko Foundation President Andrew Hladyshevsky