Вітаємо з нагородою!

he Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General and Lt. Colonel Orest BabijВ журналі Ridley Tiger Summer Edition 2010 появилася згадка про успіхи українця Ореста Бабія.

Lt. Colonel Orest Babij was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal (Military Division) by her Excellency, The Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada in the spring of 2010. He is the Acting Director of Policy and Programmes Intelligence (DPP Int) and Chief of Defence Intelligence (CDI) in Ottawa, Ont. Orest was deployed to Afghanistan as the Commanding Officer of the All Source Intelligence Centre, from September 2008 to April 2009. With an indepth understanding of the insurgency, he led his team in the production of intelligence products that enabled the targeting of insurgent commanders, reduced rocket attacks against Kandahar Airfield and facilitated the removal of several improvised explosive device networks. By providing current information on the constantly changing battle space, Major Babij and his team enabled numerous Canadian and coalition field commanders to conduct immediate and successful operations against enemy forces.

Орест, син адвоката Олександра і Олени Бабій, закінчив Ridley College в Сент Кетеринс і Royal Military College в Кінґстоні. Продовжував свої студії в Університеті Oxford, Англія, в ділянці історії, де здобув докторат Ph.D. Орест закінчив Курси Українознавства і був активним членом Пластової Станиці в Сент Кетеринс.

Молодому професіоналістові бажаємо успіхів у його майбутній праці.


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The Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General and Lt. Colonel Orest Babij