Toronto Teen Wins Gold Medal

Ontario Beach Volleyball Champions Andrijko Kos (right) with partner Zack AlbertWinning a provincial championship was only a dream to 13 year-old Andrijko Kos but one that came true in July. 

Andrijko has played indoor volleyball for a few years now, but is a newcomer to the beach volleyball circuit.  This summer he won several regional championships on the beach, and went undefeated in his age division with his partner at the Ontario Provincial Championship Games on July 31, 2010 at Ashbridge’s Bay Park in Toronto. The tournament was hosted by the Ontario Volleyball Association, and included just under 300 teams from around the Province.

Andrijko plays both indoor and beach volleyball with Pakmen Volleyball Club (Mississauga).  Andrijko practised about 40 hours per week this summer to hone his skills.  It is a labour of love for him.  He is happiest when he is on the volleyball court. 

He has taken two weeks off from training to attend a Plast scouting organization canoeing camp on the French River in Northern OntarioAndrijko serving winning point, but will resume his focus to train for the Canadian National Championships in August. 


1 - Ontario Beach Volleyball Champions Andrijko Kos (right) with partner Zack Albert

2 - Andrijko serving winning point