Innovation and Entrepreneurship

A new certificate program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship is offered by the School of Continuing Studies at the University of Toronto. The program is taught by Walter Derzko, guest lecturers and entrepreneurs. Classes start September 15, 2007.

In today’s competitive business environments, the winners are innovators and entrepreneurs who are able to identify new venture opportunities and implement them successfully. This certificate program teaches the knowledge, skills and values to help you do just that. Accessible to those from any background, it prepares managers, business owners and executives to extend their entrepreneurial capabilities, and to identify and manage venturing opportunities.

The 10 courses required for completion of this Certificate are being offered sequentially. While individual courses may be taken, it is strongly recommended that Creativity, Innovation and New Venture Creation (SCS1945) be taken first followed by the sequence of courses presented. Students have two years from the start date of their first course to complete the certificate.

Walter Derzko, B.Sc., is a consultant, lecturer, business owner, keynote speaker & former Director of the Idea Lab, Design Exchange (DX). He specializes in strategic thinking, business development, emerging technologies, lateral thinking, innovation and foresight. To learn more about the program visit at register at or contact the instructor at