UNF National Commemoration of the Holodomor

Starting on November 1, 2011, the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada together with all of its branches across Canada will be marking the 78thAnniversary of the Holodomor - Death by Starvation, the Famine Genocide inflicted on the Ukrainian people by the Stalinist regime of the Soviet Union in 1932-33.

Raising black flags over their community centres for the month of November will be Montreal, Toronto, Toronto West, Hamilton, Sudbury, Windsor, Winnipeg, Regina and Edmonton.

This simple act will commemorate the loss of millions of innocent lives through an artificial famine that ravaged Ukraine and surrounding territories with Ukrainian ethnic populations. Its intensity and geographic focus can no longer be disputed and Ukrainian Canadians commend the Parliament of Canada’s recognition of the Holodomor as genocide, a monumental and ultimate violation of human rights.

May the memory of those almost forgotten by history be eternal.

“Vichna Im pamyat!”

Ukraine Remembers – The World Acknowledges


For more information about this action, please contact the Ukrainian National Federation of Canada: Olya Grod – Executive Director, UNF of Canada
416.925.2770     ogrod@unfcanada.com     www.unfcanada.ca