PM Sends Greetings to Parliamentary Interns and Participants at Model Ukraine Conference, Ottawa

It is my distinct pleasure to extend my personal greetings to everyone attending the Model Ukraine Conference: The Politics of Education and Elections in Ukraine As stalwart supporters of a free and sovereign Ukraine, we have endeavoured to facilitate the path to democratic reform.

Our governments are currently negotiating a Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement to deepen our economic engagement. A highlight of my recent visit to Ukraine was the signing of a youth mobility agreement that will allow for young Canadians and Ukrainians to work and travel between our two countries. This will engender stronger cultural, economic and educational ties for generations to come.

On behalf of the Government of Canada, I commend the Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Program (CUPP) and all the organizers of this conference. As CUPP celebrates 20 years of success, you may take great pride in the contributions made by graduates of your internship program to Ukraine’s progress as a democratic nation. Please accept my best wishes for a productive conference.


 The Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper, P.C., M.P.

Prime Minister of Canada

The Model Ukraine Conference held at the University of Ottawa on November 12-13, 2010, was organized by the Canada Ukraine Parliamentary Program under the direction of Ihor Bardyn.