Harper Congratulates Viktor Yanukovych

On February 15, 2010, the Prime Minister of Canada, The Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper congratulated president-elect Viktor Yanukovych following his victory in Ukraine’s February 7th presidential vote.

“I extend Canada's congratulations to Viktor Yanukovych on his victory.  These presidential elections were a source of pride for Ukraine, as they were  deemed free and fair by independent election observer missions.  This included more than 300 Canadian election observers who monitored the conduct of the election.

Canada and Ukraine have a strong and significant relationship, based on the shared values of human rights, peace and democracy.  Ukraine is a key partner for Canada in Europe, and has an important role in the development of democracy and security in the region.

“In this spirit, I look forward to working closely with president-elect Yanukovych to continue to advance our countries’ common values and shared interests."