Canada's Kent
Attends Inauguration of New Ukrainian President
The Honourable Peter
Kent, Minister of State of Foreign Affairs (Americas)
attended the February 25 inauguration of Viktor Yanukovych as Ukraine’s new President.
“Canada congratulates Ukraine’s newly elected President,
Viktor Yanukovych, on his victory,” stated Minister of State Kent on February
24. “Canada looks forward to
continuing to collaborate closely with Ukraine and to advancing common
values and shared interests.”
Government of Canada is a strong supporter of Ukrainian democracy, and this is
reflected by the fact that over 300 Canadian observers monitored the conduct of
presidential elections.
than a million Canadian citizens are of Ukrainian origin. Canada is the fourth-largest donor of technical
assistance to Ukraine, and
the Canadian International Development Agency has designated Ukraine a
country of focus. Canada is
also a strong supporter of Ukraine’s
EuroAtlantic aspirations.