(UNF NE) Back in May 1997, there was a reunion of those who grew up in Montreal, most former members of MUNO (Ukrainian National Youth Federation), the UNF dance group or UNF Ukrainian School students. At the time, the idea was that many out-of-towners – of which we are a majority – come to Montreal for Zeleni Sviata, and that this would be an excellent opportunity to get together. Dinner was held in a Greek restaurant on Prince Arthur, followed by a walking tour of the area around St Lawrence – where the UNF hall still stands – and passing by the homes that we once inhabited. The whole experience brought back some very fond memories of days when the UNF was strong and vibrant.
This year, five years later, we held another reunion in the same restaurant, Minerva, that was attended by thirty. Most out-of-towners came from Ontario, but we also had some from Vancouver, Washington DC, Florida, and Massa-chusetts.
It was a wonderful time to meet with old friends and reminisce about the good old days when life revolved around the UNF.
The organizers were Montrealer Jenny Zuban-Mysak and Montreal ex-pat, Toronto-resident Walter Haceluch.
It was concluded that a five-year gap is far too long, so our next reunion is scheduled for June 2004.
A total of $165 was collected for New Pathway press fund at the event.
$10 each: Jenny Zuban-Mysak, Vera Marunchak, Walter Maceluch, Valerie Chaykowsky, Renee and Benny Chumak, Walter and Jessica Kremin-Tarnopilsky, Walter Zavadel, Max and Natalka Miniajluk-Chomenko, Markian and Slawka Gawlych-Pylat, Olia Diachun-Mushka, Olga Oleskiw, Nadia Topolnetzky-Schneider, Luba Stefurak, Joan and Bob Chaban, Diane and Bill Diachun. $5: Stephanie Pryewsky- Skomorowsky.