(UNF NE) The Ukrainian National Federation Toronto Branch has done a significant amount of work since selling its College Street property. Renovations on the new building are in full swing. The UNF Board of Directors office as a result is temporarily located in the old Ukrainian Credit Union building. The Ukrainian Credit Union building itself had been sold to the same owners as the UNF building, but was leased for a year and a half.
The UNF Toronto Branch bought two buildings, at the southeast corner of Islington Ave and Evans Ave in Etobicoke. One of the buildings has been leased to its previous owners, while the second one is currently undergoing construction. The Ukrainian Credit Union Board of Directors, the UNF Board of Directors office and some other Ukrainian organizations, such as: Ukrainian Womens Organization (UWO), Ukrainian War Veterans Association (UWVA), Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC), Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) hope to move into the Evans property as renovations are completed.
The plans are to create a Ukrainian Center in the new building, which would include a kindergarden, library, Credit Union and other community organizations. To date the Boyan Choir, (directed by Myron Maksymiw), the Toronto Bandurist Cappella (directed by Viktor Mishalow), the Ukraina Dance Ensemble (directed by Lesia and Valeri Movchan) had been rehearsing there. All of these groups and especially the UNF Toronto Branch and its affiliated member organizations are anxiously awaiting completion of the renovations. The UNF Toronto Branch organized a farewell party in the building on College Street at the end of February 2002. Many warm memories were shared about the hall that had been home for our Toronto members for almost 50 years.