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Ukrainian Canadian Congress
British Columbia Provincial Council 

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UCC-BC is pleased to offer its line of Ukrainian Heritage Videos.   For the past 20 years, Echoes of Ukraine has been producing programs and video cassettes covering a wide range of Ukrainian themes, as well as highlights of events in British Columbia. The  program and videos are both produced in Roger's studios in Burnaby, BC .

The following list contains videos which continue to be timeless and popular with viewers and collectors.

*NEW! Ukrainian Showcase 2000 - A Millennium festival at the Plaza of Nations in Vancouver August of 2000. Featuring Luba Goy, Ed Evanko, Tropak Ukrainian Dance Theatre, Svitanok Chorus, Thanksgiving Moleben and cultural exhibits. Ukrainian Ambassador Yuri Scherbak greets the audience. 60 min. $30

The Ukrainian Experience - Ukrainian history presented with humour and anecdotes by Roman Onufrijchuk, writer and lecturer. This production has attracted attention from as far away as Australia! Five 30-minute segments on one VHS colour video. 150 minutes. Special price of just $69.95.

Part I: From Antiquity to the Rise of Kiev.
Part II: From the Fall of
Kiev to the Rise of the Hetman State
Part III: From the Ruin to the 1905 Revolution
Part IV: Modern History of Ukraine
Part V: The Diasporta and Ukrainians in Canada

Ukrainian Carol Festival '93 - Five choirs and a nativity scene in a "Boston Pops" setting. Hosted by Roman Onufrijchuk. One of our most popular sellers. 60 min. $25

Ukrainian Centennial Album – Award-winning video featuring highlights of BC’s celebrations surrounding the Centenary of Ukrainian immigration to Canada, from Centennial Days in 1991 to the spectacular Ukrainian Showcase Pavilion at the 1992 Pacific National Exhibition. 60 min. $25.

Dancing the Dream - Dancing the Dream - Premiere Gala Performance of Tropak Ukrainian Dance Theatre at Richmond’s Gateway Theatre in October 1996. Gorgeous costumes and thrilling choreography under the Artistic Direction of Serhij Makarov, former Artistic Director of Hopak Ukrainian Dance Company of Kyiv. 60 min. $25

Tropak Ukrainian Dance Theatre - Tropak Ukrainian Dance Theatre - - Second Gala Performance at Richmond’s Gateway Theatre in September 1997. Exciting guest artists and new choreography. Meteletsia (Blizzard) and The Dolls (based on the Ukrainian Puppet Theatre). 60 min. $25.

Smerichka - On tour across Canada in 1993, this musical group from Ukraine was taped at Roger's Studios in Burnaby, BC. Features tenors Paul Dvorsky and Nazary Yaremchuk singing original songs, and Pysanka Duo with Oksana Savchuk and Ivan Yasenchuk, tsymbaly virtuoso ... and Smerichka instrumentalists. 60 min. $25

A Pysanka Writing Workshop - Featuring Richmond pysanka artist Joan Brander at the Richmond Museum. From Step One to the Perfect Pysanka! Introduction by Theresa Herchak, local teacher and expert on Ukrainan culture. 30 min. $25

Remembering our Heroes - A special commemmorative plaque-unveiling ceremony in New Westminster, B.C. honouring Victoria Cross recipient Cpl. Filip Konowal for his valour during WWI. Special guests Volodymyr Furkalo, Ukrainian Ambassador to Canada, and the late Supreme Court Justice John Sopinka. 30 min. $25.

Ukrainian Millenium - "How Christianity came to Ukraine" - narrated by Bohdan Zajcew with soul-stirring music and visuals of ancient churches. 30 min $22

The Art of Embroidery - Award-winning video showing  embroidery from various regions of Ukraine, and includes embroidery techniques and actual stitches in action. Special treat: Hopak finale with Luna Ukrainian Ensemble. 30 min. $22

Pysanka - The influence on Christianity on the ancient art of Easter Egg writing in Ukraine. 30 min. $22

To purchase, contact:

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress, B.C. Provincial Council
205 - 3495 Cambie St.
Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 4R3
Email: uccbc@infoukes.com 

Or call
(604) 871-0962

All prices in Canadian funds. Prices include taxes, shipping and handling. Please make cheque or money order payable to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, B.C. Provincial Council.


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Last modified: February 15, 2001