Message of Greeting from Hon. John Manley, Deputy Prime Minister of Canada on the occasion of "Ukrainian Night"Ottawa, 30 January 2001, as read by Mr. Walt Lastewka, M.P.
I am delighted to extend my greetings to everyone attending the celebration of "Ukraine Night" at the National Archives of Canada on January 30th. I would also like to offer my personal regards to Ambassador Yurii Scherbak on this prestigious occasion. 1 am sorry that I cannot be there to join you, but I have asked my friend Walt Lastewka to offer a toast on my behalf. It was my privilege to visit Kiev in early December 2001, on the 10th anniversary of the re-establishment of Ukraine independence (which Canada was the first Western country to recognize in 1991). Tonight's corollary anniversary - the tenth year of the renewal of our diplomatic relations - is a special date for Canadians and Ukrainians alike. My visit to Kiev, and in particular my talks with President Kuchma and Foreign Minister Zlenko, drove home the tremendous value placed upon this historic and diverse relationship by both our countries. With over one million Canadians of Ukraine origin now in this country - I'm sure it feels like they are all in the room tonight - how could it be anything but? We have a great deal still to accomplish together - building our trade and the global economy, sharing knowledge and culture, further entrenching democratic norms, pursuing the cause of global security and global disarmament, as well as combatting terrorism. It is a full and vibrant agenda that lies before us. Out of the darkness of the last year, I believe that we are embarking on a time of great hope for the world community, where real priorities have never been viewed so clearly, and our common values never put so firmly into play. True friendships and genuine commitments count more than ever - and such is the bond between Canada and the Ukraine. A toast to the future! |
For additional information, please contact:
Yurii Nykytiuk, Press Secretary at the Embassy of Ukraine
310 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0J9
Tel. (613) 230-2961, fax (613) 230-2400

2002 02 01