- IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT SHOULD BE DONE FIRST? (Mark no more than 3 options)...(return to a socialist model of societal development with a state regulated economy and distribution system)
- IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT SHOULD BE DONE FIRST? (Mark no more than 3 options)...(strengthen the independence of the Ukrainian state)
- IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT SHOULD BE DONE FIRST? (Mark no more than 3 options)...(make Russian a second state language)
- IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT SHOULD BE DONE FIRST? (Mark no more than 3 options)...(provide state guarantees to workers)
- IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT SHOULD BE DONE FIRST? (Mark no more than 3 options)...(privatize land and enterprises)
- IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT SHOULD BE DONE FIRST? (Mark no more than 3 options)...(pass a law on dual citizenship)
- IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT SHOULD BE DONE FIRST? (Mark no more than 3 options)...(guarantee more autonomy to separate regions in Ukraine)
- IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT SHOULD BE DONE FIRST? (Mark no more than 3 options)...(secure conditions for the renaissance and development of Ukrainian culture)
- IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT SHOULD BE DONE FIRST? (Mark no more than 3 options)...(secure order in society by any means including force)
- IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT SHOULD BE DONE FIRST? (Mark no more than 3 options)...(renew the USSR)
- IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT SHOULD BE DONE FIRST? (Mark no more than 3 options)...(support the development of business)
- IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT SHOULD BE DONE FIRST? (Mark no more than 3 options)...(renew Christian spiritual traditions)
- IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT SHOULD BE DONE FIRST? (Mark no more than 3 options)...(create the conditions for the development of Russian culture and the cultures of other peoples)
- IN YOUR OPINION, WHAT SHOULD BE DONE FIRST? (Mark no more than 3 options)...(something else (describe))