"Zolotaya Nota" International Television Children and Youth Festival of Arts
Ukraine, Odesa 6012, B. Arnautskaya Str.15, office 65.
Tel/ fax: (38-0482) 25-15-69, 25-83-79,728-70-64, 728-70-67,37-33-86,37-33-91.
Regulation of the Festival:
Festival of Arts is carried out under the patronage of Odesa City Administration, Odesa Regional Administration, with the support of Odesa Representation of Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, The Department for Foreign relations of Odesa Region, Executive Committee of Odesa City Council Administration of Youth politics, family and tourism, with the support of State Television-Ut-2 channel and State channel of Odesa-RIAK.
The date of carrying out: The Festival is carrying out from 28th of March till 6th of April 2002 in one of the best cities-health resorts of Ukraine, which is situated on the Black Sea seaside, city-hero Odesa, with the good conditions for rest, treatment, sport, cultural distraction and excursions.
The goal of the Festival: Popularization and promotion of children’s and youth’s creative work, and strengthening of friendly relationships between children and youth .
The criteria of an appreciation: Selection of repertoire, accompaniment, choreography, execution, vocal qualities, selection and aesthetics of costumes and properties, the general artistic impression, educator’s values .
Participants: children’s-youth choreographic collectives, vocalists, soloist, artistic groups, which represent classical and original genre.
Technical standards:
recording the phonogram should be done on the digital tape DAT, or on MD (mini-disk), CD (compact-disk).
conference between "Organizational Committee" and managers (leaders) of the delegations, artistic managers of collectives, producers, the press, is taking place before Festival.
participants should sign proper declaration. According this declaration the Festival "Organizational Committee" possesses of all author’s rights on AUDIO and VIDEO materials recording during the festival for broadcasting on TV channels.
Creative and business contacts on the territory of Ukraine are carry out by the "Organizational Committee" of the Festival
Non-fulfillment of regulation’s conditions eliminates participation in the Festival.
The way, where the Festival will take place- is at the delegating organizations and participant’s expense.
Questions, which are not illuminated by given regulation, the "Organizational Committee" will decide additionally.
Organization of the Festival:
The "Organizational Committee" provides participants, managers, accompanying persons, with the accommodation in the best resorts, sanatoriums of Odesa, three meals a day, organizes different excursions and time for rest and fun.
All festival concerts will take place in the best concert halls of Odesa: in the world-known Opera and Ballet House, Odesa Theatre of Musical Comedy, Culture Palace of Mariners and other. All participants take part in the 4 concert programs with one performance item. The performance will be valued by jury, which will choose the best performances for the further participation in the competition " Zolotaya Nota 2002".
Gala-concert will take place in the Odesa Theatre of Musical Comedy, in which pop, music, dance, movies stars will also participate, such as : Philip Kirkorov, Larisa Dolina, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Dmitriy Charatian, Michail Boyarskiy, Oksana Bilozir, and also laureates of Grand-Prix and first award in each of the nomination etc.
The members of festival jury are:
Doctor of Art-criticism, Academician, Rector of Odesa State conservatory-Sokol A.V.
Chairman of Variety Artists Association of Ukraine, Chairman of National All-Ukrainian Union, Laureate of Taras Shevchenko National Award-Avdievskiy A.
Member of National Olympic Committee, President of Sport Dance Association of Ukraine-Vlokh S.T.
Professor, artistic manager of choreographic collective "Prolysok"- Korotkov A.
Member of Composer’s Union of Ukraine, Laureate of International and All-Ukrainian competitions- composer Polevoy O.G.
Chairman of variety artist’s Association of Ukraine- Gerasimov V.V.
The special prizes are set up:
Miss Festival "Zolotaya Nota";
Mister Festival "Zolotaya Nota";
The Popularity prize;
"The revelation of the Festival";
All participants will obtain diplomas.
Entrance fee to Festival:
for each participant $USD300
for accompanying persons, managers of the group $USD 160
Invitation to Festival:
In order to receive an official invitation to the festival, please, call by specified phone numbers and give Your fax number, E-mail or post address, by means of which you will be able to receive an application. You can also use our site (to complete an application form) and to send to our E-mail. Applications for participation in the Festival are accepted in " Organizational committee " not later than 10th of March 2002.Age of participants is 4-22 years old (including).
Invitation for participation in the festival, is send after the application obtaining.
The payment form:
soloists and groups, who pay their participation by transfer, together with an application receive festival settlement account number. This application should be confirmed at the rate of 10% total amount, which should be accomplished not late than for 45 days before the festival. Full payment will be accomplished for 5 days before the beginning of the festival;
soloists and groups, who pay their participation by cash, can accomplish payment after arriving to the festival (in the arriving day);
persons, who wish to take part in the festival, but failed to send an application in time, can accomplish payment by transfer or by cash on the day the festival begins.
In the framework of the festival the competition "Zolotaya Nota 2002" is carried out.
Among the nominations of the competition are:
Vocal ;
Vocal and instrumental genre;
Original genre;
Age of participants
All participants are divided into 3 age groups:
4 to 11years old;
5 to16 years old;
17 to 22 years old.
The members of jury are:
The head of jury is Honored Artist of Russia," Ambassador of Free Will" of UNO, Laureat of many russian and international musical festivals and competitions- Philip Kirkorov
Ukrainian and Russian Pop and Movie Stars:
Larisa Dolina;
Veacheslav Dobrinin;
Dmitrii Charatiyan;
People’s Artist of Russian Federation Michail Boyarskiy;
the President of the children’s Festival "We are XXI century" Bulgaria , " Italian Magic" Venesse, Italy-Dmitri Karnolski;
producer of the Festival "Zolotoi Orphey", Bulgaria— Bonu Lungov;
producer of the Festival " Planeta Chiudes", Bulgaria— Stefka Vasilieva;
Member of National Olimpic Committee, the President of Sport dance Association of Ukraine-Vlokh S.T,
Professor of the National Culture University, Honored Artist of Ukraine—Oksana Bilozir and
Doctor of Art-criticism, Academician, Rector of Odesa State conservatory-Sokol A.V.
Professor, artistic manager of choreographic collective "Prolysok"- Korotkov A.
Chairman of variety artist’s Association of Ukraine- Gerasimov V.V.
According to the conditions of the competition, participants of all the genres present 2 competitive items of different character, vocalists perform compositions with the phonogram (-).
Participant’s of competition registration fee:
50 $ USD—per each soloist;
100 $USD—per collective.
Fee forms the prize-fund of the competition.
Grand-prix—1100 $USD;
1-st prize—300$ USD;
2-nd prize—200$ USD;
3-rd prize—100$ USD.
Diplomas, expensive presents and special prizes are also provided.
Laureates of the competition (Grand-prix and First award in each nomination), will take part in Gala-concert, the " Organizational Committee" provides at participant’s service make-up master-Laureate of many international competitions, the winner of the World competition of make-up masters in Paris—Kochanovoy Oksany.
According to recommendations of artistic committee the most bright and distinctive participants will take part in Festivals and concert programs in Turkey, Poland, Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, Moldova, Byelorussia.
Opening-day, Festival, competition, and Gala-concert—will be broadcasting on the central channels of national TV and other channels of different states.
LLC " UKRANIAN Agrarian Group YUG-KHLEB" Branch "Zolotaya Nota Production" Code OKPO MFO 328618 Settlement Account #26 00701636996 in the department of Ukreximbank of Odesa, Ukraine. Odesa 65012. B. Arnautskaya Str. 15 office 65 http:// www.golden-amphora.com.ua E-mail: golden-note@paco.net Tel/fax: (38 0482) 25-15-69,25-83-79, 728-70-64, 728-70-67, 37-33-86, 37-33-91. |
General Manager of the Festival: Vershinina I.S.
"Zolotaya Nota"
Ukraine, Odesa 65 012, B.Arnaytskaya Str. 15,office 65
Tel/ fax:(38- 0482) 25-16-59, 25-83-79, 728-70-67, 37-33-86, 37-33-91,
http:// www.golden-amphora.com.ua E-mail: golden-note@paco.net
Application form
For participation in the International Children and Youth Festival
of Arts "Zolotaya Nota-2002"
From 28-th of March till 6-th of April 2002 year.
1.Country, city/region, address: _____________________________________
2. Name and surname of vocalist/ the name of the duet or collective: ________
3.Soloist/ collective present: _______________________________________
(the name of the House of Culture, school, or area)
4.Post address, phone number, fax, e-mail: _______________________________________________________________
(point out country and city code)
(for collective’s minimum and maximum participant’s age , for soloist date of birth)
6. Soloist/collective performs the program:
1)______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
(title, author of the music, text, sound duration, genre)
2)______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
(title, author of music, text, sound duration, genre)
7. Date of the foundation of the collective, main and important achievements:
8.Collective’s manager name and surname: _____________________________
9.Quantity complement of participants: ________________________________
( total amount of participants ,by sex and age)
10.Quantity of adults for accommodation ______________________________
( total amount of people, by sex and age)
11. With the conditions of participation in the Children and Youth Festival of Arts " Zolotaya Nota" was acquainted.
Date <<___>>_______________2002. Signature: ________
For additional information, please contact:
Alla Okomaniuk, Press Secretary of the Embassy of Ukraine
310 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0J9
Tel. (613) 230-2961, fax (613) 230-2400
E-mail: ukrembassy@on.aibn.com

2002 02 18