Bellingcat Investigations: MH-17
Bellingcat Investigations is an organization created by Eliot Higgins to investigate various world issues based on the Citizen Investigative Journalist Model. He has gained quite a solid reputation from his early days when he was known as Brown Moses and had been analyzing the Syrian Civil War and various events to either confirm or debunk them as often information comes by so fast on the Internet it is dificult to determine what is true and what is not.
This group has done some pretty amazing investigations into the shooting down of MH-17 via the internet, exploring social media posts, posted photographs, posted videos, and using geo-location techniques can track down photographs and videos to specific locations and individuals. There has been quite a few articles, posts and reports released over the past year that has painted a fairly complete picture about the events leading up to the shooting down of MH-17, evidence of the actual event, and subsequent attempts to cover up and/or obfuscate the events by the Russian Government, Russian Media, Russian Information Warriors and their proxies & useful idiots.
Most recently this group of Citizen Investigative Journalists have identified the potential crew, it's officers and traced the chain of command back thru the Ministry of Defence and ultimately to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Bellingcat Investigations website can be accessed HERE. Eliot Higgins has a twitter account at @EliotHiggins and Bellingcat Investigations has a twiiter account at @bellingcat.
Staff of InfoUkes Inc.
July 17th 2015
Bellingcat Articles, Reports and Posts With Respect to MH-17
Geolocating the Missile Launcher Linked to the Downing of MH17
July 17, 2014
By Eliot Higgins
Shortly after reports of flight MH17 being shot down in Ukraine began emerging, the following video was posted online, claiming to show a Buk missile launcher travelling through Snizhne, a rebel held town near the Russian border.
Buk Transporter Filmed "Heading to Russia" Sighted in an Earlier Photograph
July 18, 2014
By Eliot Higgins
Earlier today, the Ukranian Ministry of Internal Affairs posted the following video, claiming to the show the Buk Missile Launcher that has been linked by some to the downing of flight MH17 being transported to Russia
Identifying the Location of the MH17 Linked Missile Launcher From One Photograph
July 18, 2014
By Eliot Higgins
In the aftermath of the MH17 downing in Ukraine various images and videos were shared on social media sites claiming to show the Buk missile launcher that was alleged by some to have been used to shoot down flight MH17. One photograph was shared on social media sites, reportedly showing the missile launcher in Snizhne, close to where a video show a Buk missile launcher was filmed
The Russian Government Goes Back to Parroting Dodgy Internet Rumours
July 21, 2014
By Eliot Higgins
In the wake of the August 21st Sarin attacks in Damascus it was increasingly apparent the statements made by the Russian Foreign Ministry were guided by the latest stories floating around the internet. They began by parroting reports of videos from the attack being uploaded a day before the attacks, something that had already been debunked by Storyful, then parroted reports in Mint Press about Saudi involvement, fringe groups, and dodgy nuns, with consistency seemingly irrelevant.
The Latest Open Source Theories, Speculation and Debunks on Flight MH17
July 22, 2014
By Eliot Higgins
Over the past few days various theories and speculation about the downing of Flight MH17 have been shared online, from the identify of the Buk Missile Launchers (that may or may not have been used depending on who you ask), to examinations of the damage visible on the remains of the aircraft. Here's a look at some of the more interesting theories, speculation, and debunks being discussed at the moment.
Evidence That Russian Claims About The MH17 Buk Missile Launcher Are False
July 22, 2014
By Eliot Higgins
Over the last few days, videos and photographs relating to the downing of MH17 have been poured over by people across the world, trying to piece together clues about what really happened. One video in particular, shared by the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior, has been the focus of particular attention
Caught in a Lie -- Compelling Evidence Russia Lied About the Buk Linked to MH17
July 24, 2014
By Eliot Higgins
Earlier this week I wrote about the claims made by the Russian Defence Ministry about the following video, posted by the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior, which they claimed to show the Buk linked to the down of flight MH17 leaving Ukraine for Russia
Two More Key Sightings of the MH17 Buk Missile Launcher
July 28, 2014
By Eliot Higgins
Since the downing of flight MH17, several photographs and videos of the Buk Missile Launcher linked to the attack have been collaboratively investigated and located by many different people, in the rebel held towns of Torez, Snizhne, and Luhansk. Now, another video and another photograph have appeared that gives us even more of an understanding of where the Buk Missile Launcher was on July 17th.
The Buk That Could -- An Open Source Odyssey
July 28, 2014
By Eliot Higgins
Over the last two weeks I've documented the various open source information that has revealed key pieces of information about the Buk Missile Launcher linked to the downing of flight MH17. Now, using that information, I believe it's possible to construct a timeline of events on the ground in Ukraine on July 17th that can be evidenced using a variety of open source information.
Investigating the MH17 Crash Site with Meedan's Checkdesk
August 6, 2014
By Eliot Higgins
One of the key aims of Bellingcat is not just to show people what tools and techniques are available for investigating open source information, but also to engage people with investigations. Since shortly after the downing of flight MH17 we've been using a tool developed by Meedan to examine the remains of MH17 photographed and filmed on the ground in Ukraine.
Images Show the Buk that Downed Flight MH17, Inside Russia, Controlled by Russian Troops
September 8, 2014
By Magnitsky -- Iggy Ostanin
New evidence has been found that shows the Buk missile system that was used to shoot down MH17 on the 17th of July came from Russia, and was most likely operated by Russian soldiers. Using videos posted by locals in Russia's Belgorod region back in June it has been possible to identify the Buk missile launcher seen in Ukraine on July 17th as part of a convoy of Buk missile launchers. It has also been possible to identify the Russian brigade the Buk is likely to have belonged to, and who may have operated the Buk missile launcher when it was in Ukraine.
Crowdsourced Investigation -- Was the MH17 Linked Buk Sighted in Ukraine and Russia Unique?
September 20, 2014
By Eliot Higgins
On September 8th Bellingcat revealed images and videos posted on social media sites that showed a Buk missile launcher inside Russia with markings that matched those markings seen on the Buk missile launcher linked to the downing of flight MH17 on July 17th.
More Evidence of Russia Supplying the Buk Linked to the Downing of MH17
September 22, 2014
By Eliot Higgins
Earlier this month, Bellingcat looked at new evidence that the Buk used to down MH17 belonged to the Russian military. The Buk photographed by Paris Match in rebel controlled Donetsk on the morning of July 17th and tracked travelling though rebel territory throughout the day by Bellingcat and others also appeared to be part of a convoy filmed in Russia in late June heading toward the Ukrainian border. Using markings visible on the side of the Buk photographed by Paris Match and stills from the convoy in Russia it was possible to find elements that matched despite attempts to paint over some of the markings on the vehicle
Video Comparison Confirms the Buk Linked to the Downing of MH17 Came From Russia
September 24, 2014
By Eliot Higgins
Earlier this week we examined photographs and videos of a Buk missile launcher recorded in Russia in June 2014 that appeared to match the Buk photographed and filmed on July 17th in Ukraine travelling through rebel held territory that has been linked to the down of MH17. One photograph from Paris Match showed markings and damage on the side of the Buk missile launcher in Ukraine that appeared to match the markings on damage to the Buk missile launcher recorded in Russia.
Geolocating the MH17 Buk Convoy in Russia
September 29, 2014
By Veli-Pekka Kivimäki
Over the last few weeks Bellingcat has been examining footage of a Buk missile launcher filmed inside Russia that matches the Buk missile launcher linked to the down of MH17. The movements of the Buk launcher unit linked to the downing of MH17 were previously examined on Bellingcat, and the reporting relied on several videos of a convoy moving through Belgorod oblast in Russia. Further analysis of the videos yields information which can be used to accurately locate where the videos were filmed.
Russian TV Inadvertently Demonstrates MH17 Wasn't Shot Down by Aircraft Cannon Fire
October 11, 2014
By Eliot Higgins
Anyone who has been following the debate over the downing of MH17 will know one point of contention is which weapon was used to down MH17. On one side you have people who say it was mostly likely a missile launched by a Buk missile launcher, and on the other people claiming it was cannon fire from a jet. Generally the former claim is used to link the separatists to the downing of MH17, while the latter is used to claim the Ukrainian government was responsible.
Geolocated June BUK convoy videos in Russia
November 7, 2014
By Veli-Pekka Kivimäki
In September, the discovery of six videos of a Buk convoy in Russia was reported on Bellingcat. During the research done by the Bellingcat team, another 10 videos have been discovered from June 23-25, which can be linked to the same convoy. As the basis for the geolocation work, the previous videos from June were utilized both as reference material, as well as to give indications of a possible route which would narrow down the search area.
Geolocated July BUK convoy videos in Russia
November 7, 2014
By Veli-Pekka Kivimäki
In July, movements of Buk system elements were again on the move in Russia. The Bellingcat team has discovered and analyzed 12 videos reportedly from between July 19-20. Some of the sightings of individual units have been previously discussed in relation to MH17, but they can now be placed in the greater context of a military convoy's movements. In addition, there is a newly discovered video of a unit from June's convoy moving alone through Kamensk-Shaktinsky down a road which leads to the Russian border town of Donetsk.
Geolocating the June Russian Buk Convoy in Millerovo
November 8, 2014
By Eliot Higgins
One of a series of videos that shows a convoy containing the Buk linked to the downing of MH17 was reportedly filmed near the town of Millerovo. The following demonstrates how it's possible to use a combination of satellite map imagery and Google Street View imagery to find the exact location the video was filmed.
Origin of the Separatists. Buk: A Bellingcat Investigation
November 8, 2014
By Bellingcat
This report analyses evidence from open sources, in particular social media, relating to the Buk missile launcher filmed and photographed in eastern Ukraine on July 17th that many have linked to the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.
- English Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
- French Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
- German Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
Exploring the MH17 Linked Buk Convoys in Ukraine and Russia with Mapbox
November 9, 2014
By Bellingcat
The following map exploring the convoys seen in Russia and Ukraine detailed in the Bellingcat report Origin of the Separatists? Buk: A Bellingcat Investigation was produced for Bellingcat by Mapbox. A full screen version of this map can be seen here.
Russian State Television Shares Fake Images of MH17 Being Attacked
November 14, 2014
By Veli-Pekka Kivimäki
On Friday November 14th, Russian state television ran a story of supposed foreign satellite images showing the last moments of flight MH17, with a fighter jet appearing to fire at the plane. Suspicions arose immediately on Twitter, and inconsistencies were pointed out, quickly leading to the conclusion the image is a crude fabrication.
Investigathon -- War and Pieces -- Social Media Investigations
November 25, 2014
By Bellingcat
On November 12th 2014 Google Ideas, Google For Media, and the Organised Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) ran the Investigathon New York, a day long event looking investigation tools and techniques that included a number of presentation on the subject filmed by Google Ideas.
Herkomst van de Buk van de separatisten: Een onderzoek van Bellingcat, nu beschikbaar in het Nederlands
December 22, 2014
By Eliot Higgins
Op 8 november bracht Bellingcat een rapport uit met daarin bewijs dat de Buk-lanceerinstallatie, die in verband wordt gebracht met het neerhalen van MH17 in Oekraïne, afkomstig was van het Russische leger en eind juni vertrokken was naar de Oekraïense grens. Met het onderzoeken van bewijs uit openbare bronnen was het Bellingcat MH17 onderzoeksteam erin geslaagd om de verplaatsingen van de Buk-lanceerinstallatie op 17 juli, in door separatisten gecontroleerd gebied, in kaart te brengen. Dit geldt ook voor de route van de Buk toen deze deel uitmaakte van een konvooi, dat in de periode 23 juni -- 25 juni in Rusland was vetrokken van Koersk naar Millerovo, nabij de grens met Oekraïne.
- Dutch Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
Did This Ukrainian Soldier Prove Ukraine Shot Down MH17?
January 2, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
In the debate over who was responsible for the shooting down of flight MH17 in Ukraine on July 17th two different weapon systems have been linked to the attack. On one hand we have various claims about a Ukrainian jet shooting down MH17 (generally described as an SU-25); with the other theory being based around the use of a Buk surface to air missile launcher. In the Bellingcat investigation Origin of the Separatists' Buk the Bellingcat MH17 investigation team matched a Buk filmed and photographed travelling through separatist territory on July 17th to one filmed in a convoy travelling through Russia towards the Ukrainian border in late June.
Is this Ukrainian Buk a Clue in the MH17 Investigation or a Red Herring?
January 5, 2015
By Aric Toler
On July 19, two days after the tragic shoot down of Malaysian Airlines flight 17, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) publishedan image in a press release that showed two Buk-M1 anti-aircraft systems. One of them was the Buk-M1 that likely shot down MH17, transported on a truck eastward through Luhansk on July 18. The other was a Buk numbered 312 operated by the Ukrainian military that was videotaped on March 19 at the Yasinovatsky post just north of Donetsk, Ukraine. While the SBU did not explicitly claim that these two Buks were one in the same, it is very easy to assume this from the juxtaposition of the two images, and much proverbial ink has been spilled establishing the significance of Ukrainian Buk 312.
SU-25, MH17 and the Problems with Keeping a Story Straight
January 10, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
While the investigations in to the downing of MH17 continue there's been much debate about who was responsible, and the weapon system used to down MH17. These theories can be generally split into two broad groups, one where a Buk surface to air missile system was used to shoot down MH17, the other where a Ukrainian military jet, usually specified as a SU-25, shot down MH17.
Fact Checking the Russian Ministry of Defence's July 21st MH17 Press Briefing with Checkdesk
January 12, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
During Bellingcat's investigations into the downing of MH17 it's become clear that a number of statements made in the Russian Ministry of Defence's July 21st Press Briefing on the downing of MH17 were simply untrue. They made claims about the flight path of MH17 and it's diversion to another heading that were shown to be untrue by data presented by the Dutch Safety Board and from the aircraft tracking website, and their claims about the video showing the Buk missile launcher linked to the downing of MH17 being actually filmed in government controlled Krasnoarmeisk were also shown to be untrue.
New Images of the MH17 Buk Missile Launcher in Ukraine and Russia
January 17, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
Following the Bellingcat report Origin of the Separatists' Buk, which showed that the Buk missile launcher linked to the downing of MH17 was filmed inside Russia a few weeks earlier, the Bellingcat investigation team has continued to search for additional information, and has recently discovered two more images of the Buk missile launcher linked to the downing of MH17.
Examining the MH17 Launch Smoke Photographs
January 27, 2015
By Daniel Romein
Just three hours after the crash of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17), a picture was published on Twitter that appeared to show a ropeway on the horizon between "Lutugina" and "Tsof" in the area of Torez, which is close to Snizhne. The timestamp of the tweet suggests it was sent at 9:23 AM on 17 July 2014. Considering the fact that the plane crashed around 16:20 local time (EEST, or Eastern European Summer Time), this timestamp is remarkable, because it would suggest that the tweet was sent seven hours before the crash. The default setting of Twitter, which is headquartered in San Francisco, displays timestamps in Pacific Time. (More precisely, Pacific Time in the US is Pacific Daylight Time [PDT] between late winter and mid-fall and Pacific Standard Time [PST] between mid-fall and late winter.)
Is this the Launch Site of the Missile that Shot Down Flight MH17? A Look at the Claims and Evidence
January 27, 2015
By Daniel Romein
In a previous investigation related to the 17 July 2014 downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) in eastern Ukraine, the Bellingcat investigation team provided the origin and movements of a Buk M1 missile launcher filmed and photographed that same day that travelled from Donetsk past Zuhres, through Torez and Snizhne. Before reaching Snizhne, the Buk M1 missile launcher was transported on a red low-loader hauled by a white Volvo truck featuring a telephone number and unique blue stripes. In Snizhne, however, the Buk was unloaded off the hauler and driven south out of Snizhne under its own power. In the early hours of 18 July 2014 the missile launcher was spotted in Luhansk, where it was again being hauled by the same white Volvo truck, but this time it was missing one missile.
Stunt Geolocation -- Verifying the Unverifiable
March 3, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
When working on open source and social media investigation there's occasional images that at first seem as if they would be impossible to verify. The following picture, showing a 9S470 Self Propelled Command Post, was shared with us on Twitter.
Vladmir Babak and Reuters' Missile Launch Witnesses -- How Do They Fit With What We Know About MH17 So Far?
March 13, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
In the last few days there have been a pair of interesting stories relating to the downing of MH17 in Ukraine that have attempted to shed more light on what happened on July 17th. Vladmir Babak, part of the team that designed the SU-25 and a senior figure at the SU-25's manufacturer and developer Sukhoi Attack Aircraft Concern stated in an interview that an SU-25 would be unable to safely fire its weapons at the same altitude as MH17, and that an air-to-air missile fired by an SU-25 would have not been able to cause MH17 to break up in the way it did. He also went on to add he believed MH17 had been shot down by a Buk missile.
Bellingcat at the SKUP Journalism Festival Talking MH17, Ukraine, Russia, and Propaganda
March 24, 2015
By Bellingcat
The Norwegian Foundation for a Free and Investigative Press (SKUP, Stiftelsen for en Kritisk og Undersøkende Presse) recently held it's annual journalism conference in Tonsberg, Norway, and Bellingcat founder Eliot Higgins participated in a number of sessions. In this first session, Eliot Higgins talks about Bellingcat's work on MH17, tracking Russian weapons and artillery attacks in Ukraine, and useful idiots.
MH17 Joint Investigation Team's New Video Brings New Facts to Light
March 30, 2015
By Aric Toler
On March 30, the Joint Investigation Team investigating the cause of the downing of MH17 released a video calling for witnesses in eastern Ukraine to come forward with information regarding the transport of a Buk anti-aircraft system through eastern Ukraine on July 17th (the day of the MH17 crash) and 18th, 2014. In the video, the Joint Investigation Team summarize the path of the Buk from Donetsk, through Zuhres and Torez to Snizhne, to Luhansk, and back to Russia with photographs and videos of the Buk along with intercepted phone calls between separatists. The majority of this information has been long known, as can be found in Bellingcat's November report on the Buk system that likely shot down MH17. However, this video also provides us with new information that further implicates Russia and the separatists with whom it collaborated in the form of intercepted phone calls placed after the downing of MH17. In these three previously unpublished phone calls, separatists discuss a Volvo low-loader truck hauling a Buk from Snizhne to Russian territory shortly after the MH17 shootdown.
Tracking the Trailers: Investigation of MH17 Buk's Russian Convoy
May 13, 2015
By Bellingcat
The new Bellingcat report, Routes, Destinations, and Involvement of the 2nd and 147th Automobile Battalions in the June and July 2014 Buk Convoys, presents detailed evidence of the involvement of the 2nd and 147th Automobile Battalions in the transport of military equipment through Russia, including the Buk missile launcher filmed and photographed in Ukraine on July 17th, linked to the downing of Flight MH17. As Bellingcat's earlier report, Origin of the Separatists' Buk, showed, the Buk that was linked to the downing of MH17 on July 17th was seen in a convoy travelling from the Russian 53rd Brigade near Kursk to Millerovo, close to the Ukrainian border, between June 23rd and June 25th. In this new report, the Bellingcat investigation team has reached several conclusions:
- English Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
Robert Parry Falsely Accuses 60 Minutes Australia of Using Fake MH17 Evidence
May 19, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
This weekend 60 Minutes Australia aired a segment where they investigated the Buk missile launcher that shot down MH17, using information gathered by Bellingcat to follow the route of the Buk through separatist held territory. As with previous investigations by news organisations visiting the locations Bellingcat identified in our earlier MH17 research the 60 Minutes Australia investigation confirmed the locations Bellingcat identified as being correct.
Who's Lying? An In-depth Analysis of the Luhansk Buk Video
May 29, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
On July 21st 2014, only a few days after Flight MH17 was shot down in Eastern Ukraine, the Russian Ministry of Defence held a lengthy press conference, detailing what they claimed to be evidence of who was responsible for the downing of Flight MH17.
MH17 -- Forensic Analysis of Satellite Images Released by the Russian Ministry of Defence
May 31, 2015
By Bellingcat
In this new report Bellingcat examines satellite images released by the Russian Ministry of Defence as part of the July 21st 2014 press conference on the downing of Flight MH17.
- English Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
How to Find Historical Imagery of Russia's Faked Satellite Photos
May 31, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
In Bellingcat's latest report, Forensic Analysis of Satellite Images Released by the Russian Ministry of Defense, we exposed how Russia had falsely claimed satellite imagery from June 2014 was from July 14th and July 17th. As with nearly all of Bellingcat's work we used open source information, satellite imagery from Google Earth, to expose the fake images. It's possible for anyone to find this imagery with a few easy steps.
Evidence the Russian Military Supplied the Type of Missile Used to Shoot Down MH17
June 3, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
On June 2nd 2015 Russian arms manufacturer Almaz-Antey presented evidence which it claimed showed the specific type of missile used to shoot down Flight MH17 in Ukraine on July 17th. They were quoted as stating "If a surface-to-air missile system was used [to hit the plane], it could only have been a 9M38M1 missile of the BUK-M1 system."
Does Ukraine Have 9M38M1 Missiles?
June 4, 2015
By Nathan Patin
Earlier this week, Russian arms manufacturer Almaz-Antey presented its analysis of the downing of MH17 in an attempt to prove its "non-involvement in the MH17 tragedy." The company concluded that while MH17 was downed by a 9M38M1 missile fired by a Buk M1, that particular type of missile has not been used by Russian forces since 1999. Bellingcat has since shown that, despite the Russian firm's claims to the contrary, the 9M38M1 missile is still used by Russia, as seen in pictures as recent as March of this year.
Who to Trust, Google or the Russian MoD? A Guide to Verifying Google Earth Satellite Image Dates
June 5, 2015
By Aric Toler
Bellingcat recently published an in-depth investigation finding that the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) fabricated and misrepresented their satellite photographs in a July 21, 2014 press conference, immediately following the July 17 downing of MH17. The most obvious and compelling evidence of this investigation was in the clear differences in the landscape between Russian MoD satellite images -- supposedly taken in mid-July -- and the publicly available images taken in the week before and after the downing of MH17. While Bellingcat provided a guide for accessing this imagery in Google Earth, a question that has arisen is in the accuracy of these dates on Google Earth. As described in this guide, the findings of Bellingcat regarding the July 21 Russian MoD satellite images will be reaffirmed, along with a walk-through for anyone to verify Google Earth imagery via free and precisely dated image previews on Digital Globe.
New July 17th Satellite Imagery Confirms Russia Produced Fake MH17 Evidence
June 12, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
In Bellingcat's 31 May 2015 report, Forensic Analysis of Satellite Images Released by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Bellingcat investigation highlighted a number of discrepancies between the satellite images presented by the Russian Ministry of Defense and Google Earth satellite imagery from 2 July 2014 and 21 July 2014. Thanks to donations by Bellingcat readers it has now been possible to purchase satellite imagery from Digital Globe dated 17 July 2014 and collected at 11:08 a.m. local time of one of the sites shown in the Russian Ministry of Defense imagery.
De nouvelles images satellites confirment que la Russie a retouché des images concernant le crash du MH17
June 29, 2015
By Bellingcat
Dans la rapport de Bellingcat du 31 mai 2015, Forensic Analysis of Satellite Images Released by the Russian Ministry of Defense (Analyse Judiciaire des Images Satellites Publiées par le Ministère de la Défense Russe), l'équipe d'enquête de Bellingcat a souligné de multiples différences entre les images satellites présentées par le ministère de la Défense russe (MoD) et l'imagerie satellite de Google Earth du 2 juillet 2014 et du 21 juillet 2014. Grâce aux donations des lecteurs de Bellingcat, l'équipe d'enquête a pu acheter l'image satellite de Digital Globe datée du 17 juillet 2014 et collectée à 11 :08 du matin heure locale et qui montre un des sites présent dans l'imagerie du ministère de la Défense russe.
Tracking the Vehicle that Transported the MH17 Buk
June 30, 2015
By Nathan Patin
Thanks to the generous donations of our supporters last month, Bellingcat was able to purchase 25 square kilometers of satellite imagery from Digital Globe. Our latest report used this imagery to definitively demonstrate that the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) falsely dated satellite photos it presented to the international community in the days after the MH17 tragedy last year in order to implicate Ukraine. Now, we will use the same Digital Globe imagery to show that the low-loader that hauled the Buk linked with the downing of MH17 was in fact absent from its vehicle yard when it was photographed by Paris Match on the morning of 17 July 2014.
Geolocating MH17 Crash Videos with Checkdesk
July 11, 2015
By Bellingcat
In the wake of the downing of Flight MH17 in Ukraine on July 17th dozens of videos of the aftermath of the crash were uploaded to social media sites. In the days and weeks after July 17th it was possible to geolocate some of these videos, and ahead of the 1 year anniversary of the attack we are looking at some of those videos that weren't geolocated in the hope of creating an interactive map showing the locations where these videos were filmed.
Zaroshchens'ke Launch Site: Claims and Reality -- A Bellingcat Investigation
July 13, 2015
By Bellingcat
This report (which can be found in its entirety here) analyzes in detail one aspect of the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) by a Buk missile system in eastern Ukraine: the plausibility that Zaroshchens'ke was the launch site. First, the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) claimed in a press briefing on 21 July 2014 that Ukrainian Buk M1 TELARs (transporter erector launcher and radar) were positioned in an area south of Zaroshchens'ke. The Russian MoD supported this assertion with a satellite picture of the area showing the vehicles. While it was not explicitly stated that a missile was fired from this position in the briefing, the information is persistently interpreted as evidence of possible Ukrainian involvement in the downing of MH17.
- English Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
Russia's Colin Powell Moment -- How the Russian Government's MH17 Lies Were Exposed
July 16, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
In the year since the shooting down of Flight MH17 in Ukraine on July 17th 2014 there have been many different theories about who was responsible and the exact circumstances under which MH17 was shot down. For much of that time those theories have fallen into two broad categories, that either a separatists controlled Buk shot down MH17, or a Ukrainian military aircraft. Since the official criminal and Dutch Safety Board investigations have begun governments have generally avoided making any specific claims about who was responsible, but in the days after MH17 was shot down governments were making various claims. The US and Ukrainian governments both claimed a Buk missile was responsible, while on July 21st the Russian Ministry of Defence gave an hour long press conference where they presented their evidence of who could have been responsible for the attack.
MH17 In Their Own Words: Witness Testimonies on Social Media from July 17th, 2014
July 16, 2015
By Aric Toler
On July 17, Bellingcat will conduct a reenactment of the social media reaction to the MH17 disaster from the account @mh17live. All of the information here, along with many other reactions and speculations from 1 year ago, will be retweeted and translated on this account.
Sputnik's MH17 Reporting Spins Out of Control
July 24, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
In the long months between the shooting down of Flight MH17 in Ukraine and the publication the Dutch Safety Board report and completion of the criminal investigation various conspiracy theories have been put forward to explain why the reports are taking so long, and how the reports will be inevitable cover ups. Recently Fred Westerbeke, the chief investigator with the Dutch National Prosecutors' Office investigating the downing of Flight MH17, had to reiterate that the disclosure agreement signed by participants in the investigation, which required all participants to agree on what was published, was only for the duration of the investigation, and was not a way for Ukraine or other countries involved to cover up the true culprit in the crime, as some conspiracy theories had suggested.
Interview with 'WowihaY,' the Man Who Narrated MH17 as it Happened
July 27, 2015
By Aric Toler
The anonymous Twitter user @WowihaY has long been documenting the conflict in eastern Ukraine, especially as it has affected his hometown of Torez. He came to a degree of notoriety on July 17, 2014, as he was one of the most influential Twitter users in chronicling and deciphering the downing of MH17. Along with documenting witness accounts of a Buk traveling through Torez hours before the plane's downing, @WowihaY posted the now-infamous photograph of a smoke trail rising above fields south of Snizhne -- the smoke contrails of the missile that brought down the passenger plane. The following is an English translation of an article by Olga Bespertova that appeared in on July 25, 2015, with the first public interview of @WowihaY.
The Strange Story of the Ten Million Dollar MH17 Investigation
July 29, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
For most people, the website is totally unknown. The site, which offers users the chance to broker information anonymously using the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, has in recent weeks come to the attention of those who have taken a close interest in the shooting downing of Flight MH17 in July last year. At the start of June a new auction was posted online, asking for 10,000 Bitcoins (approximately $3 million at current exchange rates) for evidence collected as part of an investigation by a "private detective agency" into the events on July 17th 2014. It claims to include over 20 sets of evidence, including videos of witness questions, a forensic examination of the wreckage, results of autopsies, and much more.
The Weird World of MH17 Conspiracy Theories -- Part 1
August 7, 2015
By Aric Toler
Just over a year after the anniversary of the tragic downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, a new trickle of conspiracy theories have emerged, including the use of an Israeli rocket launched from a Georgian aircraft downing MH17 and an undercover CIA agent working for the BBC plotting the plane's downing. These new narratives are yet more entries in an ever-expanding corpus of outlandish theories to explain the tragedy, which have received varying levels of support from the Kremlin and its media outlets.
Shadow of a Doubt: Crowdsourcing Time Verification of the MH17 Missile Launch Photo
August 7, 2015
By Aric Toler
While much open source investigation is done through crowd sourcing, the administrator of the MH17 forum has taken a unique approach: a single-blind poll to collaboratively determine the timing of a photograph. While this experiment does not have the scientific rigor of a pharmaceutical trial, the methodology of administrator "bootblack" is worthwhile of some examination.
Billy Six Interview -- Investigating the Luhansk MH17 Buk Video
August 13, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
Freelance journalist Billy Six has recently come to the attention of the world's media after publishing previously unpublished footage of the MH17 crash site filmed shortly after impact, as well as featuring in Russia Today's recent MH17 documentary. In this interview with Bellingcat, Billy Six details some of his other investigations into the events surrounding the downing of Flight MH17.
MH17 -- The Open Source Evidence
October 8, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
This report summarizes the open source investigations into the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) on July 17, 2014 in Ukraine. It draws on the work of Bellingcat and others who used open source information to uncover facts about the events that took place on July 17 and the origin of the Buk missile launcher that downed MH17.
- English Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
- German Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
- Russian Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
Exploring Russia's 53rd Brigade's MH17 Convoy with StoryMap
October 8, 2015
By Bellingcat
As part of our new report examining the open source evidence of the downing of Flight MH17 (read it here) we tracked the movement of the Russian military convoy that transported the Buk missile launcher to the border with Ukraine. Using StoryMap we've put together this interactive map of the route the 53rd Brigade
How the Dutch Safety Board Proved Russia Faked MH17 Evidence
October 15, 2015
By Eliot Higgins
With the release of the Dutch Safety Board report into the downing of Flight MH17 it is now possible to compare the evidence gathered by the Dutch Safety Board with claims made by the Russian Ministry of Defence in their July 21st 2014 press conference on the downing of Flight MH17. In Bellingcat's "Russia's Colin Powell Moment -- How the Russian Government's MH17 Lies Were Exposed" four claims made by the Russian Ministry of Defence during the press conference were examined and shown to either be lies, fabrications, or both. While the Dutch Safety Board report does not cover all aspects of the Russian Ministry of Defence's July 21st press conference it was still possible to compare the Dutch Safety Board's conclusions to some of the claims made by the Russian Ministry of Defence.
Quantum of Obfuscation
October 16, 2015
By Christo Grozev
On the day the Dutch Safety Board released its final report into the causes for the crash of Flight MH17, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement that the "report is flawed, as the Russian findings were not taken into account". This statement followed numerous assertions by Russian diplomats that Russia "is kept out of the loop of the investigation" and that the investigation is "not independent, not comprehensive, and not truly international". Similar sentiments were expressed during the pre-emptive press conference by the state-owned Buk manufacturer Almaz-Antey preceding the report's publication, as well as in the follow-up press conference by RosAviation, the Russian air-safety agency.
Buk Launch Site Data in the Dutch Safety Board's MH17 Investigation
October 17, 2015
By Aric Toler
One of the most contentious and important points of the investigation into the downing of MH17 is the launch site for the Buk missile that caused the tragedy of July 17, 2014. The newly released Dutch Safety Board (DSB) investigative report dismisses all alternative scenarios other than a Buk missile launch, including the possibilities of air-to-air cannon fire and an air-to-air missile. Thus, the remaining and confirmed scenario -- downing by a Buk missile carrying a 9N314M warhead -- becomes the sole focus of the international investigation. While the DSB did not assign blame (as it is explicitly disallowed from doing this), it did provide vital clues as to who was in possession of the Buk system that downed MH17.
MH17 -- Potential Suspects and Witnesses from the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade
February 23, 2016
By Bellingcat
This report, MH17: Potential Suspects and Witnesses from the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, presents information regarding the Russian brigade that we believe provided, and possibly operated, the Buk-M1 missile launcher that downed Malaysian Airlines Flight 17. In this post, we will summarize the role of the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade and "Buk 3×2" in the downing of MH17 before providing a summary of the report. At the bottom of this post, an index is provided of Bellingcat?s previously published major research projects on the MH17 disaster.
- English Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
Six Takeaways from Today's Dutch Safety Board MH17 Response
February 25, 2016
By Bellingcat
On February 25, the Dutch Safety Board (DSB) published responses to questions asked by the Dutch Parliament on February 4 and 10, along with its response to a letter written by Oleg Storchevoy, the Deputy Director of Russia's Federal Air Transport Agency. Many of the questions posed by the Dutch Parliament concern the air traffic control primary radar data from Ukraine and Russia at the time of the tragedy. Along with information about the radar data and the investigative process, there were a handful of responses that provided clarification to questions regarding Russian claims regarding the MH17 case. Additionally, the DSB's response to the Russian letter reiterated its stance on a number of Russian concerns regarding the investigation, most notably regarding the Buk missiles type and launch site.
MH17 -- Zaroshchens'ke Revisited: Almaz-Antey's New Launch Areas
February 29, 2016
By Bellingcat
The cause of the crash of MH17 was investigated by the Dutch Safety Board (DSB). In their final report, presented on 13 October 2015, the DSB identified a 9M38 series missile, launched from a Buk surface-to-air missile launcher positioned in an area near Snizhne, as the cause of the crash. This finding has been criticized by Russia. Almaz-Antey, the successor to the original producer of the Buk M1, had already published its own calculations, including a proposed launch area, on 2 June 2015. The DSB report indicates that these findings were forwarded to them. On 13 October 2015, just hours before the DSB's presentation, Almaz-Antey presented new findings, including the results of a live explosion test performed on the ground. The new Almaz-Antey presentation also included two new launch areas, one for a 9M38 missile and one for a 9M38M1 missile.
- English Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
Separatist Convoy Linked to MH17 Buk Transport
March 4th 2016
By Bellingcat
At 9:40am on the morning of 17 July 2014, the first mention of a Buk missile launcher in Donetsk reached the internet. This came in the form of a post on the "Donetsk is Ukraine!" VKontakte (VK) community, warning of the Buk's arrival from Makeevka and the presence of three civilian vehicles:
Ukrainian Buk Footage from July 16, 2014 Geolocated
March 9, 2016
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
On July 16, 2014, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense's television network aired a program about the military situation in Ukraine with the caption "Servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces patrol the area of the ATO zone." In a segment of this video, two Buk missile launchers, a Buk Snow Drift Radar, and a ST-68U Tin Shield Radar are shown.
Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Plagiarizes LiveJournal Posts in MH17 Response
April 22, 2016
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
On Thursday, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) responded to Bellingcat's follow-up response requesting specific examples of faked evidence. The MFA sent its first reply last week, which can be read in full here. In its second response, with the original document in Russian here and in English here, the MFA did provide the specific examples of fakery requested by Bellingcat; however, these examples were plagiarized from two LiveJournal blog posts from the user "albert-lex." The first of these blog posts, "Belling the Cat," is from October 2015, and the second, "Anti-Russian experts on NATO's Hook," is from March 2016.
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Publishes "Their" Evidence of MH17 Fakery
April 22, 2016
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
Last week we published correspondence between Bellingcat and the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which we requested evidence to support their allegations of Bellingcat and others faking MH17 evidence. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has replied, and their full reply (translated from Russian) with their evidence of fakery is shown below, followed by Bellingcat's response:
The Lost Digit: Buk 3×2
May 3, 2016
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
In November 2014, Bellingcat published a report that identified the Buk TELAR (missile launcher) that downed Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 as "Buk 3×2," originating from Russia's 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade of Kursk. The Buk was called 3×2 due to an obscured middle digit, which was not identifiable at the time of the report's publication.
- English Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
- Russian Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
- German Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
Die verlorene Ziffer -- Buk 3×2
May 3, 2016
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
Im November 2014 veröffentlichte Bellingcat einem Bericht, in dem der Buk TELAR (Startfahrzeug für Luftabwehrraketen), der für den Abschuss von Malaysia Airlines Flug 17 verantwortlich ist, als "Buk 3×2" identifiziert wurde. Die Identifizierung ergab auch, dass das Fahrzeug von der russischen 53. Luftabwehrbrigade in Kursk stammt. Die Buk wurde 3×2 benannt, da die mittlere Ziffer zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung des Berichtes nicht identifiziert werden konnte.
- English Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
- Russian Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
- German Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
Possible new sighting of MH17 Buk convoy on July 17th 2014 in Ukraine
May 12, 2016
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
On May 3rd 2016, a new video of what appears to be the July 17th 2014 Buk convoy was uploaded to YouTube, and was on May 11th discovered by Twitter users @amishjihadi and @loondale. In the video, there are several details visible which seem to indicate this is the same Buk TELAR that has been recorded moving towards the suspected Buk missile launch site, thus associating it with the downing of MH17.
New Google Earth Satellite Update Confirms Presence of Buk in Eastern Ukraine
June 22, 2016
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
Today, Google Earth updated its historical satellite imagery to include Donetsk and Makiivka at 11:08am (local time) on July 17, 2014, the day of the downing of Flight MH17. Bellingcat has previously purchased portions of this image, with the Digital Globe catalog ID of 105041001104D000, to show that the Russian Ministry of Defense had doctored its MH17 evidence, and to search for the Buk on the H21 highway between Donetsk and Torez. Unfortunately, we did not purchase the segment of the image that showed the Buk and the Volvo truck hauling it, as the convoy took a south-bound detour through Makiivka before re-entering H21. With the new imagery update, we now have confirmation of the authenticity of a recent dash-cam video showing the Buk and its convoy in Makiivka.
MH17 -- The Open Source Investigation, Two Years Later
July 15, 2016
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
Today Bellingcat releases its latest report, "MH17 -- The Open Source Investigation, Two Years Later", bringing together two years of research by Bellingcat into the fate of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on July 17, 2014. As part of this release Bellingcat communicated with experts in various fields for their analysis and opinions of MH17 related evidence.
- English Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
- Russian Language Report [PDF] can be obtained HERE.
The Russian Defence Ministry Presents Evidence They Faked Their Previous MH17 Evidence
September 26, 2016
By Eliot Higgins
On July 21st 2014 the Russian Defence Ministry presented their evidence relating to the downing of Flight MH17 on July 17th 2014. Bellingcat has previously examined the claims made in this press conference in great detail, demonstrating how all the major claims made in the press conference were false, from claims about satellite imagery to claims about the movements of Buk missile launchers.
Das russische Verteidigungsministerium legt neue Beweise vor, die belegen, dass ihre früheren Beweise gefälscht waren
September 27, 2016
By Eliot Higgins
Am 21. Juli 2014 präsentierte das russische Verteidigungsministerium seine Beweise im Bezug auf dem am 17. Juli abgeschossenen Flug MH17. Bellingcat hat die in dieser Pressekonferenz gemachten Behauptungen im Detail untersucht und gezeigt, dass alle wesentlichen Aussagen der damaligen Pressekonferenz falsch sind. Dies reicht von den Behauptungen über die präsentierten Satellitenbilder bis hin zu den Behauptungen über die Bewegung eines Buk Raketenwerfers.
Revelations and Confirmations from the MH17 JIT Press Conference
September 30, 2016
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
On September 28, the Dutch-led Joint Investigation Team (JIT) held a press conference in which they presented evidence surrounding the downing of Flight MH17. Leading up to the event, the JIT made its intent clear: the weapon type and launch site would be announced, but no blame would be directly assigned. The JIT followed through on its promise, and provided new evidence that corroborates the findings of Bellingcat since its report "Origins of the Separatists' Buk" in November 2014.
Identifying Khmuryi, the Major General Linked to the Downing of MH17
February 15, 2017
By Daniel Romein
This article was collaboratively researched and written by the Bellingcat MH17 Investigation Team.
On 18 July 2014, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) published several tapped telephone conversations in relation to the July 17 downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17). Most of these conversations, recorded on the day of the downing, are between an officer identified as 'Khmuryi' ('Gloomy' or 'Grumpy') and other separatist officers or soldiers of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic. The SBU identified 'Khmuryi' as 'Sergey Nikolaevich Petrovsky', a Russian GRU officer, but it took some time before this was covered in-depth by either Western or Russian-language media.
The Role of Sergey Dubinsky in the Downing of MH17
March 2, 2017
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
Following the publication of "Identifying Khmuryi, the Major General Linked to the Downing of MH17," additional information has surfaced that further confirms the identity of Khmuryi as Sergey Nikolaevich Dubinsky, born August 9, 1962. The clearest confirmation of our investigation came courtesy of Russian actor Ivan Okhlobystin, who was photographed with Dubinsky on his Odnoklassniki profile. In a February 16, 2017 op-ed with RT (archive), Okhlobystin confirms that Sergey Dubinsky is indeed the separatist figure who went by the name Khmuryi and Petrovsky while serving under Igor "Strelkov" Girkin in Sloviansk and Donetsk.
Photographs of Ukrainian Buks Geolocated in Poltava Oblast, Nearly Three Years Later
April 4, 2017
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
On July 15, 2014, a chaplain for the Ukrainian Armed Forces named O. (short for "otets," or "father") Gredil Mykhailo uploaded a handful of photographs showing a Ukrainian Buk missile launcher in a field that appeared to function as a Ukrainian military camp. We can now say that this Buk missile launcher was not located in eastern Ukraine, but instead in the Poltava Oblast in central Ukraine.
MH17 -- Drivers of the Russian June and July 2014 Buk Convoy Trucks
June 5, 2017
By Daniel Romein
On 13 May 2015, Bellingcat published a report about the involvement of the Russian 2nd Automobile Battalion of the 69th Separate Logistics Brigade (military unit 11385) and the 147th Automobile Battalion for Material Support (military unit 83466) in the transport of Buk unit vehicles of the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade in a convoy that left on 23 June 2014 from Marshala Zhukova near Kursk and arrived in Millerovo on 25 June 2014. This convoy transported a Buk missile launcher with unit designation 332, previously known as "Buk 3×2". Bellingcat has published multiple reports asserting that this Buk missile launcher downed Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) on 17 July 2014.
- The full report can be read HERE.
Pre-MH17 Photograph of Buk 332 Discovered
June 5, 2017
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
Since the July 17, 2014 downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17), Bellingcat has published numerous articles concerning the anti-aircraft missile launcher that downed the passenger plane -- Buk 332, of Russia's 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade. This Buk missile launcher (TELAR) was previous dubbed "Buk 3×2" due to an obscured middle digit, but after a May 3, 2016 report, we established that the middle digit was originally a "3," making the identity of this Buk clear. This report identified many of the details that allowed us to identify Buk 332, using materials as far back as 2009 and relying heavily on photographs and videos showing Buk 332 in a June 2014 convoy that traveled from near the missile launcher's base in Kursk to Millerovo, near the Russia-Ukraine border. These details include the shape of the side skirt, a hollow wheel among spoked wheels on the right side, a dent in the left front panel, the arrangement and connections of electricity cables, the font and wider spacing of the digits of the unit designation, oil and soot stains, and white transport marks on both side skirts. The white gravity mark (appearing like a cross-hair) and transport mark on the left side of the vehicle were not unique for this vehicle in the convoy, but were clearly visible on Buk 332 both in the June 2014 convoy in Russia, and in July 17 and 18 photographs and videos while in eastern Ukraine. However, while photographs of Buk 332 uploaded on social media profiles of soldiers of the 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade showed the white gravity mark, they did not show the white transport marks on the side of the vehicle and the side skirts.
MH17 -- The Open Source Investigation, Three Years Later
July 17, 2017
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
Today, we are releasing a report summarizing all major open source evidence surrounding the downing of MH17 in an easy-to-read 73-page survey. This report is broken into thirteen chapters, summarizing the circumstances that led to the downing of MH17, information on the Buk missile launcher that downed the passenger plane, a summary of alternative scenarios regarding the downing, and other essential areas of information.
- The full report [PDF] can be downloaded HERE.
- The full report in Russian [PDF] can be downloaded HERE.
JIT Publishes New Photograph of Buk 332 from Day of MH17 Downing
October 19, 2017
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
Do you have more information about this photograph or the location it was taken? If so, please send information in English, Russian, or Ukrainian to the JIT via their email (, VK page, or WhatsApp (+31683559290). You can also comment on this article or tweet to us (@bellingcat) to discuss the geolocation of the photograph.
Today the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), the Dutch-led criminal investigation into the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) over Ukraine, published a new photograph of the Russian Buk missile launcher that downed plane from the day of the tragedy. The image shows the right side of the Buk, loaded on the back of the white Volvo truck that hauled it through eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014. Also visible in the photograph is the blue Volkswagen minivan that escorted the Buk through eastern Ukraine on the same day. This anti-aircraft missile launcher is Buk 332, previously identified by Bellingcat as "Buk 3×2," belonging to Russia's Kursk-based 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade.
New MH17 Photograph Geolocated to Donetsk
October 30, 2017
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
On October 19, 2017, the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), the Dutch-led criminal investigation into the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) over Ukraine, published a new photograph Buk 332, the Russian Buk missile launcher that downed MH17 on July 17, 2014. Buk 332, previously identified by Bellingcat as "Buk 3×2," is an anti-aircraft missile launcher belonging to Russia's Kursk-based 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade. The image shows the right side of the Buk, loaded on the red low loader. In publishing the photograph, the JIT wrote that the photograph was "probably taken on July 17, 2014 in the town of Makeevka, Ukraine," but we can now conclusively say that the photograph was actually taken at 78 Prospekt Ilycha, at the intersection with Shakhtostroiteley, in Donetsk.
Russian Colonel General Identified as Key MH17 Figure
December 8, 2017
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
The Russian version of this investigation was published by the publication The Insider.
Along with The Insider, McClatchy DC Bureau was an investigative partner. Read their article here.
A joint investigation between The Insider and Bellingcat used open source research, investigative journalism, and forensic voice analyan sis to determine the identity of "Delfin," a key figure sought by the Joint Investigation Team (JIT), the Dutch-led criminal investigation into the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17). The investigation has identified, to a high degree of certainty, Delfin as Colonel General Nikolai Fedorovich Tkachev, currently serving as the Chief Inspector of the Central Military District of the Russian Federation.
Photographs, videos, and audio files related to this investigation can be found here.
British Intelligence Report Confirms Russian Military Origin of MH17 Murder Weapon
December 20, 2017
By Aric Toler
Today, December 20, the British Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament published its 122-page annual report. This report covers a wide range of topics, including cyber security, the status of the UK's international relationships, the threat of foreign fighters, and so on. However, one almost anecdotal detail in the Russian objectives and activity against UK and allied interests section states a key fact in absolute terms: the Russian military bears direct responsibility for the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17).
- The full report can be read HERE.
The Kremlin's Shifting, Self-Contradicting Narratives on MH17
January 5, 2018
By Aric Toler
Just a few hours after the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17), the circumstances that caused the tragedy came to light: a Buk-M1 Russian-made anti-aircraft missile system was fired by either Russian-led separatists or Russian forces from an area near Snizhne, Ukraine, leading to the death of 298 civilians aboard the passenger plane. Over three years since the downing, every credible investigation into the tragedy has confirmed this initial claim, with each photograph, video, and independent forensic investigation reinforcing the "Russian/separatist Buk" claim and adding new details that give us a greater understanding of how this incident happened. In short, the "narrative" from Western governments, the official Dutch criminal and forensic investigations, and the site you are reading now has been linear.
MH17 -- Russian GRU Commander 'Orion' Identified as Oleg Ivannikov
May 25, 2018
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
A joint investigation between Bellingcat, The Insider, and McClatchy DC Bureau has conclusively identified another key person of interest in the ongoing investigation of the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17). The person known as "Andrey Ivanovich", a.k.a. call sign "Orion", is in fact a high-ranking Russian GRU officer named Oleg Vladimirovich Ivannikov.
The Russian version of this investigation has been published The Insider.
Read McClatchy's article here.
Research and report by Moritz Rakuszitzky, Daniel Romein, and Roman Dobrokhotov.
Additional research and editing by Aric Toler and Klement Anders.
Addressing the Aeroflot MH17 Conspiracy Theory
August 8, 2018
By Aric Toler
On 8 August 2014, the Security Services of Ukraine (SBU) held a press conference at the Ukraine Crisis Media Centre in central Kyiv describing how they believed that Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) was not the true target of the missile launch that killed 298 people on 17 July 2014, but instead Aeroflot Flight 2074 (AFL2074/SU2074). The intent of the downing of the airliner was for a Russian casus belli to invade Ukraine -- openly, rather through covert support. The SBU and other Ukrainian government institutions quickly abandoned this theory and no longer refer to it when addressing the downing of MH17; however, a number of analysts and the former head of the SBU have continued to raise the Aeroflot conspiracy theory over the past few years.
Russia's "Anti-Selfie Soldier Law": Greatest Hits and Implications
February 20, 2019
By Aric Toler
After months sitting in the Russian State Duma, a law will finally pass forbidding Russian servicemen from carrying or using internet-connected devices to share information about their military units and service. The law introduces additional restrictions on Russian servicemen from sharing information about the military, including speaking with journalists about their military service or "carrying any device capable of recording or storing information" that could be shared online. In short: old Nokia phones with Snake pre-installed on them are about to get a lot more popular among Russian soldiers.
Identifying the Separatists Linked to the Downing of MH17
June 19, 2019
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
The Bellingcat Investigation Team has previously published a number of reports demonstrating that the deployment of the Buk missile launcher used to shoot down Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) over Ukraine on 17 July 2014 involved senior officers of the Russian Ministry of Defense and its military intelligence agency, the GRU. However, questions still linger over the involvement in the downing of other previously unidentified individuals. Who were the people heard on the intercepted phone calls published by the Dutch-led Joint Investigation Team (JIT) and the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) in the aftermath of the downing? What role did infamous separatist leaders such as Igor Bezler, Aleksandr Khodakovsky, and Igor Strelkov play in the operation?
The Arrest of Vladimir Tsemakh and Its Implications for the MH17 Investigation
July 9, 2019
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
Last week reports appeared online that the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) arrested Ukrainian citizen Vladimir Borysovich Tsemakh (b. 4 July 1961) in connection to the 2014 downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17). Tsemakh was previously known to have been the commander of an air defense unit in Snizhne, the town nearest to the Buk missile launch site. Tsemakh had not been publicly linked to the events surrounding the downing of MH17 before, and was also not mentioned in our recent report about the separatists connected to the downing of MH17. However, newly-surfaced footage has revealed that he was, at a minimum, an important eyewitness to these events.
Bellingcat Podcast: MH17, Episode 1 Guide: The People Who Fell From the Sky
July 17, 2019
By Bellingcat Podcast
You can listen to the first episode of the Bellingcat Podcast on the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) by subscribing on any major podcast application by searching "Bellingcat", including at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and TuneIn.
JIT Indictments and Reactions: Analyzing New Evidence Linking Separatists and Russian Officials to MH17
July 17, 2019
By Bellingcat Investigation Team
Today, 17 July 2019, is exactly five years since Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) was shot down by a Buk missile, fired from territory in East Ukraine controlled by Russian-directed militants. After five years it has become clear that the Buk missile launcher that downed the plane came from Russia's 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade, and that separatist officers and Russian officials are suspects in the tragedy that killed all 298 people on board.
since July 17th 2015