InfoUkes Inc. Disclaimer

Internet use relies on the self-regulation and good judgment of its users. InfoUkes goal is to provide efficient and effective services within this context. The following policies are designed to achieve this without being unduly restrictive. Use of the services of InfoUkes constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Service:

InfoUkes endeavors to ensure reliable operations. We reserve the right to shut the system down for maintenance and upgrading and will endeavor to provide advance notice of such if possible.

InfoUkes services may only be used for lawful purposes. Transmission (either sent or received) of any material in violation of any Federal, Provincial or local laws or regulations is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to copyrighted material, material deemed by InfoUkes to be threatening, slanderous or obscene, or material protected by trade secret. InfoUkes reserves the right to terminate privileges at any time for violation of these Terms and Conditions of Service or abusive conduct on the system and its resources as a whole. InfoUkes and its officers are deemed as authority to define abusive conduct. Definitions of abusive conduct may periodically change or be amended to previous ones.

Use of any information obtained via InfoUkes is at your own risk. InfoUkes specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services.

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless InfoUkes from any claims resulting from your use of the service which damages you or another party.

The risk of having your Internet communications intercepted on the network is considered low. InfoUkes will make every reasonable effort to ensure your privacy; however we cannot guarantee this.

These Terms and Conditions of Service are subject to change without notice.


since May 26 1997

Copyright © 1997-1998 InfoUkes Inc.

Originally Composed: Friday January 15th 1997.
Date last modified: Friday April 24th 1998.